Common Diseases
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Ewing's sarcoma diagnosis
Definitive diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma begins with a biopsy of the tumor. If possible, the first biopsy should be done at the cancer center, where your child will be treated.
Diagnostic test
If your child has symptoms that may signal Ewing's sarcoma, the doctor will examine your child and ask questions about your child's health and your family's medical history.
One or more of the following diagnostic tests can be used to determine if your child has Ewing's sarcoma and if it has spread. They can also be done to find out if treatment is helpful.
Biopsy: A biopsy, removing a small piece of bone or soft tissue, is always needed to diagnose Ewing's sarcoma. This is the only way to determine if the tumor is cancer or another bone or soft tissue disease. It is very important that a biopsy be done by someone experienced in diagnosing and treating Ewing's sarcoma.
There are two types of bone biopsy:
Needle biopsy: A large, hollow needle is inserted through the skin into the bone or soft tissue area to be examined. The needle takes out a cylindrical tissue sample and examines it under a microscope. CT (computed tomography) scans can be used to help guide the puncture needle.
An open or surgical biopsy: An incision is made and the surgeon removes a small piece of the tumor for microscopic examination. In rare cases, the entire tumor may be removed.
Your child's doctor will determine which type of biopsy is best based on several factors, including the type and location of the tumor. If possible, the surgeon who performed the biopsy should perform surgery to eliminate the cancer.
Imaging tests may be done before or after the biopsy to determine the location of the tumor and determine if it has spread. Includes:
CT or CAT (computerized axial tomography) scan
Magnetic resonance imaging scan
Positron emission tomography
Bone scan
Bone marrow puncture biopsy
Genetic testing
Blood test