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Breast cancer diagnosis

If you notice the changes in your breast, experience the early symptoms of breast cancer, or have an abnormal mammogram result, your doctor will need further investigation to make a diagnosis. Your doctor may perform a breast examination first, including manually examining your breasts and armpits for lumps and abnormalities. If your doctor suspects breast cancer, they may order an imaging test to take a better look. Most breast imaging is performed through mammography or ultrasound. In breast photography, X-rays are taken from several different angles. Your doctor can check these images for signs of breast cancer. In ultrasound, a device reflects high-energy sound waves from your tissue. The image generated by the echo mode is called an ultrasound image and can be seen on the ultrasound machine. Occasionally, doctors may use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or other professional examinations. Imaging examination The first diagnostic procedure for breast cancer is usually imaging examination. Breast imaging is usually performed through mammography or ultrasound examination. Occasionally, doctors may use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or other specialized examinations. If the imaging examination shows abnormal or suspicious lumps or skin thickening, the doctor will need tissue samples to make a clear diagnosis. The process of searching and examining this type of tissue under a microscope is called biopsy. For breast cancer, image guided core needle biopsy is usually performed. During this process, real-time images of breast tissue are used to assist doctors in guiding needles to suspicious cancer tissue. In many cases, this biopsy is performed during the initial imaging examination to accelerate diagnosis. If the biopsy shows cancer tissue, additional images and biopsy may be needed to determine the exact extent of the disease. This part of the diagnosis shows whether the cancer cells have spread to nearby lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Molecular diagnosis If the patient is diagnosed with breast cancer, the doctor will also analyze the cancer cells to determine the molecular receptor subtype of the disease. By understanding subtypes, they can develop a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan.

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