Common Diseases
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Breast cancer symptom
The symptoms of breast cancer vary from person to person, and there is no exact definition of a lump or feeling of a lump. The best way is to familiarize yourself with your breasts so that you know the "normal" feeling and appearance. If you notice any changes, tell your doctor. Although regular self-examination is important, many breast cancer is found by regular screening mammograms before any symptoms appear. Symptoms of breast cancer may include: breast lumps, axillary lumps, breast skin changes, including redness of the skin and thickening of the breast skin, resulting in orange skin texture breast depression or wrinkles, secretions from the nipple discharge nipple scales, sometimes extending to the areola. Changes in the nipple, including inward rotation, pulling to one side, or changing direction. An ulcer on the breast or nipple, sometimes extending to the areola and breast swelling, does not always mean that you have breast cancer. However, it is important to discuss any symptoms with your doctor as they may also be signals of other health issues.