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Medical insurance designated hospitals

Tumor tertiary hospital

Childhood tumor

Childhood tumor

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Address:301 Guarantee Base, Wharf Town, Zhuozhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province



Childhood lymphoma symptom

The diagnosis of childhood lymphoma usually starts with the symptoms of the disease, leading to a visit to a doctor. A thorough physical examination leads to testing and provides a clear diagnosis. Due to the difficulty in identifying childhood lymphoma, doctors may arrange several types of tests to diagnose the disease and monitor the patient's response to treatment. These measures include: lymph node biopsy: during biopsy, doctors remove suspected cancer tissue and study the presence of cancer cells under a microscope. In lymphoma, cancer cells gather in the lymph nodes, causing them to swell, so doctors search for enlarged lymph nodes for biopsy. If swollen lymph nodes are close to the surface of the skin, doctors can perform a biopsy under local anesthesia. If it is deeper in the body, patients may need to undergo surgical biopsy under general anesthesia. Blood test: This instrument measures the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin in patients. Imaging examination: Imaging examination can display the location of lymphoma cells gathering in the body. The examination of lymphoma includes: CT scanning: CT scanning uses an X-ray machine to take multiple photos from different angles, providing very detailed images. PET scan: Perform positron emission tomography or PET scan, and the patient is injected with low-dose radioactive sugar. The scanner displays the location of sugar distribution in the body, allowing for the creation of an image. This picture can help radiologists discover cancer cells in the body. Ultrasound: Ultrasound has a high-energy sound wave that bounces back from internal tissues and organs, producing an echo pattern. The image generated by the echo mode is called an ultrasound image and can be seen on the ultrasound machine. X-rays: X-rays use low-dose high-energy radiation to generate images through the human body. X-rays are used for bone imaging and can also help detect tumors. Blood chemistry research: These tests measure the content of certain substances in the blood, including fats, proteins, sugars, and electrolytes. They can help doctors understand the response of diseases to treatment.

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