Hello, welcome to Yizhou Cancer Hospital!

Medical insurance designated hospitals

Tumor tertiary hospital

Childhood tumor

Childhood tumor

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Address:301 Guarantee Base, Wharf Town, Zhuozhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province



Nephroblastoma symptom

The symptoms of nephroblastoma vary from person to person. Because tumors usually become larger before they are discovered, the main symptom is abdominal swelling or enlargement. Abdominal lumps may also be noticed.

Other signs of nephroblastoma include:

Blood in urine


Stomach pain



Loss of appetite

Shortness of breath


Recurrent fever

If your child has these symptoms, they may be caused by something lighter than nephroblastoma. However, talking to your child's doctor is a good idea as it may indicate other health issues.

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