Contact Us
Address:301 Guarantee Base, Wharf Town, Zhuozhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province
Our hospital has organized post disaster free clinics in communities such as Shui'an Flower City in Zhuozhou City
Our expert team went to Zhuozhou Third Middle School, the largest resettlement site for disaster victims in Zhuozhou City, to hold a disaster relief free clinic
Yizhou Cancer Hospital became the first resettlement site for victims of "July 31 rainstorm in Hebei"
Former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing and his delegation visited Yizhou Cancer Hospital
Qingshui Xiangxing (Japan) Joins Yizhou Cancer Hospital as Vice President and Director of Children's Radiotherapy Center
Professor Kong Lin, Director and Doctoral Supervisor of the Head, Neck and Central Nervous Oncology Department of Shanghai Proton Heavy Ion Hospital, Visited Yizhou Cancer Hospital